Always Yours

Why can't it be?
Why can't it be the two of us?
Why can't we be...

For now I sit and ask and wonder... I wish I understood why... Oh Lord... why lead me to this path... I hate not understanding situations. I hate making hurtful decisions... Can I really trust you to shatter this pain?

That's a rhetorical questions... However I think, however I ask, struggle, go over every detail of certain matters, I believe I will always go back to You and Your perfect will that shall stand undefeated. I will always go back to You, my Lord who has never disappointed me. Not that it's Your priority... after all, Your glory is always first and You deserve it all.You deserve my whole life, my mind, my decisions...all for You. I came from you, and I have always been meant to be Yours.

Yes, I will always return to the Truth. You are all I truly have, Lord... I can only live by You.