Just one thing

Emo-ness is a tendency; happiness is a choice.

But why am I not convincing myself to feel and be happy? Yeah, I'm not too thrilled today...

But what's new? Life's always a battleground, right? It's a day-to-day trial and error process...either you duck, you hit the target, you conquer...or you get forced on your knees...or get shot down from the skies.

Hmmm...I think I currently got shot down...spirits low...losing it halfway...

But then in the midst of the chaos that I'm in...I know I just have to rise...the Lord, my Lord comes to mind and I think about all the wonderful promises He has for me...how His attributes are beyond measure and surpass our understanding...how he's closer to me than anyone else can ever be, especially at my lowest moments.

And that somehow brings on a faint glow of comfort in the midst of this cold lonely night.

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