White Flag

Composed on Jan.6... I realize that God can work mightily in those who choose to surrender... that is why the place of power is in the place of prayer... in prayer, we surrender...in prayer, we lay down our arms for God to work in us.

At the break of dawn, 
At the rising on the sun,
On Your holy ground,
I lay myself down.

Tired of running,
Tired of fighting,
Tired of always saying no,
Tired of crying, 
Tired of hating,
Tired of knowing I don't know

There is no use
Trying not to lose
When this battle is God's 
And you got to lose it all to God
Got to hand it all to You
Yeah I got to give it all to You

Lord here's my best
I'm saying yes
I surrender to You
I surrender to You
Yielding now
Kneeling down
Here's my will under Yours
Here's my heart under Yours
I surrender
I surrender