Why 10,000 Reasons captured my interest

Recently I was able to listen to one of the songs at the Christian billboard, entitled, "10,000 Reasons" by Matt Redman. From the start of the song I was spellbound. I literally had to put down my book to pay more attention to it. It really stopped the time for me. That means it's a good song...

So what makes it special? The rhythm is not so new- just guitar strumming mostly... I think it's a great song because of the inspiring combination of thoughts in the lyrics. This praise and worship song expresses two very important ideas:

1. the basic life goal of every Christian: to glorify the Lord each day of this life and beyond
2. two important attributes of God- kindness and patience for His people

Aw. Brimming with delight. I desire to worship and just bask in the love of God..!

Bless the Lord, o my soul... o my soul...worship Your Holy Name!

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