Bumming it out big time

OK fine, so doing the laundry and fixing up my pamphlets for the next duty isn't something that one would call 'fun activity.' But since it does not involve opening my books, I consider it bummin' out. Probably one of my favorite hobbies these days,hmm...*shrug*

Anyway I'm being bitten by the mosquitoes...grr these little pests...

I'm just done with my pamphlets for the health center teachings to be done throughout the shift in Posadas. I just talked with Therese, had a small chitty chat with Bern yesterday...I miss my one and only Bech...hahahaha. Something tells me I should spend some good time with them after the upcoming exams this last week of August (yeah, long wait that is...). Maybe I should ask Rep to plan a bit of a go-out for all of us...

Speaking of which, natatawa na lang ako sa batang iyan...he can fume me ever so dearly but never once had he given me A LOT to think of...until one afternoon, when he texted me some sad episode he's got to deal with. Of course I'm not entitled to spill that but all I can say is that, besides of course that he's just darned feminine (64% to be exact, nyehehehe fine, I'm half-kidding), it astounds me still to realize how people give me much to wonder about, regardless of whoever they are to me.

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