A new piece. Give me a title!

I'm happy with this latest creation...give me a title for it!

Should I smile despite the fears,
Because I should brave it and hide the tears?
Should I look and say, "I'm happy" though,
My heart bleeds on with too much sorrow?

I ask too much, I'm not easy to know.
I have things yet to learn, and learn too slow.

But my love is enough, let it be enough,
To make you shine like a gem in the rough.

I want to pretend I'm perfectly fine,
For you might not understand my hidden whines.

I want to be honest and tell you straight,
But you don't need the extra weight.

Be mine to the end- a promise stands made...
But will it suffice when new paths are laid?

I am chained in the dark, you are free in the sun.
I can't hold you back when you choose to be gone.

I want to be true, I want to cheer on,
For your every ambition, dream and vision.

But should I lie to myself in the name of you?
Should I deny my wounds and be untrue?

I don't know...I really don't know.


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