Lessons from millennial cults

Recently I read about some facts about millennial cults which sprouted throughout the world. Such knowledge is one of those "nice-to-know" types. I think we can learn from them.

So what is a millennial cult? Well as the term implies, these are cults that claim exact knowledge to the end of all life as we know it and the way to get to "heaven". As a result of their fallacious beliefs, they succumb to bizzare practices and generally lead strange lives while waiting for the date- the end of the world.

And that's what's striking about millennial cults. Even when there have been many wrong predictions (of course), still many people fall for them and fearfully believe in some special dates. History then repeats itself- delusive claims, zealous fanatics, strange rituals, failed prediction, severe disappointment, and then...it's either mass suicide or mass murder. The world has seen this happen over and over again, and it's always tragic. Generally it makes us feel sad, but it also makes us wonder- what is it in millennial cults that people would give their allegiance (and lives) for them?

1. Hope- I've heard somewhere that people lead lives of quiet desperation. Someone even disagreed by saying that we actually live lives of aimless distraction. I believe both are true for most of us. We live in a fallen world where people have a profound sort of loneliness that nothing and no one in this world can blot out or shake off. This dissatisfaction drives us to search for something more. Because the status quo is not "good enough" for any of us, our human hearts long for something beyond this, something otherworldly which might turn out to be the answer to our mysterious longing. No wonder we seek for bits and pieces of happiness in all forms- in new hobbies, new folks, new experiences, new places...and sadly, for some: new philosophies that set deadly trends for them to follow.

2. Escape- This is also related to our natural search for something more. Some people have stopped hoping. They just wish to escape this world. Some people drink, do drugs, or commit suicide. Others join special groups and live away from normal society. For these people, having a "new way" allows for them a graceful and special exit out of this world. It rids them of the same old boring routines that "everyone else" has grown accustomed to. It opens up a new world for them to be free to do things which are considered illegal, but are now permitted for them, thanks to their cohorts. Note that acts within millennial cults have been considered criminal in nature.

Being more aware of this now, what should be the right attitude of every believing Christian? I think we have to be vigilant and be firm in our faith. We should not feel astonished anymore, as if these events are at all surprising. It is true that some will fall away, as Christ had said.(Mt.24:10-11) How do we avoid that? We should hold on to the truth that is God's Word. We should always meditate on the Word and pray for the empowering of the Holy Spirit.(Ro.3:4)

And that is also why we have to joyfully preach the good news of Christ to the world...for truly, our only REAL hope is in the Lord Jesus our Redeemer. In Him every fear of the end is turned to rejoicing, because it will be a new beginning for every believer. As Christians we ought to be passionate about God's will, that the gospel be preached that people may be snatched from the clutches of eternal punishment.

Frankly I wouldn't give so much attention to the minor details of the end of the world, not when I'm excited about the major event- which is finally seeing the Lord face to face.


"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Mt. 24:36)

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Mt.28:19-20)

"Everyone will hate you because of me, but those who stand firm to the end will be saved." (Mk.13:13)

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