Run to you

I am back under the shade where I run to You when I feel tied down by life. Lord, I am not perfect, but I know more and more that I will always run back to you... The world is chaos and not for the faint-hearted, so here I am, again drawing strength from your love that easily and endlessly overwhelms me. I don't want to lose you. Thank you for being there for me and for forgiving my trespasses. I am nothing, truly nothing without you.

As you already know, today I have reached this point of deep sorrow... the journey to this feeling was gradual. I did not see it coming to my door. I have wandered a bit far away from your arms again, that's why. Maybe the disappointments brought about by various circumstances and people made me sad. I still have a tendency to be too idealistic, I must admit. And my weakness is that I cannot easily hide my emotions, and it all shows on my face before I know it. That is why most people figure it out before I say anything, if ever I care to say anything to them.

I am lost. Fill me up with joy, Lord. I am getting bored and listless again, I guess.
Last night, as I was walking home under a crescent moon, I thought of how I felt alien to this world... and I realized that maybe, just maybe, that awareness is good. It must mean I am on my way to becoming more of you.

I love you! Thanks for your time... You are indeed the love of my life.

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