Two dreams, one call, and a project

Today I woke up at eleven am. Not much has changed on my time of snoozing...deep down I'm getting bored. I hate the routine. But I'm even thankful I have a routine to follow...or else I'd be really stagnant! Grrr.

Funny how I can find time to write about my boredom. While most people care to find something interesting to write, I scribble in even this. Pathetic. Hahaha. But yeah, I must be that desperate. And sick. Hahaha. And laughing about it, so I must be really sick.

And so I am given time to wonder about stuff...and they are, thankfully, worth keeping here for the record:
A dream or two:

Two nights ago I dreamed that I was out in a busy foreign city (I think it was New York), looking for someone. I was wandering on a bridge, noisy with the afternoon traffic jam. People kept stopping me by saying hi. Some of them kept telling me that someone was looking for me, but I hastily moved on, saying that I was looking for someone.

Yesternight I dreamed that I met this beautiful young child with soft brow-black hair, beautiful eyes, and a wide smile. I was scheduled to take her out somewhere in the morning. I remembered she was wearing a white shirt that reached to her knees. Her mother was trying to help her get dressed for our walk, but she was too talkative and to ecstatic to concentrate. She was obviously too excited to see me. She kept clinging on to my pants.

We went out to the streets, bought stuff, and went back to their condominium. All the while the little girl was talking to me, from the house, to the van, to the streets, back to the van, then the house. Meanwhile, the little girl went up ahead with her mother. I followed them. Just then I realized that the girl's name was familiar.

I talked to the mother about it, and she laughed, saying that I should have realized that the little girl's name was...Anniline Teng.

I said goodbye and thank you, but not before the little girl heard me. She ran to embrace my legs really tightly and cried. She didn't want me to go. I sadly tried to ignore her wailing, saying I had to go...until I woke up.

An unearthed project:

I had time to rethink my project last time on sociology....about my future family life. Honestly I cannot picture myself as a good mother...or at least as a mother. Hahaha. Maybe I'm not meant for the job. Maybe...

But suppose I become a mother, I'd make sure that my kids get equal treatment and discipline. They will all learn house chores. I'll teach them all to cook my favorite adobo. We will all have time for devotional readings. I'll set up a billiard table and a basketball court at home to make sure they have an opportunity for sports. I'll time the hours they spend in front of the tv and the pc. I'll expose them to music early on. They will sleep on time. Their bedrooms will have no distractions- no tv, pc...not even a bookshelf. They will study in a Chinese school like I did...

But of course that will have to start with a good choice of biological father. Since I believe all guys are natural headaches, I'll have none of them. And since I believe I can do much better than most guys, I think I can do well as a single to prevent unnecessary baggages and damages I'll just pay him off and ask him to donate some healthy sperm to me (verifiable only by a series of lab tests and physical exams) and I'll throw him out when I'm through with him. Then he can find his women. Hahahaha. *evil cackle*

OK, OK, I am THAT bored...

Never mind...I'll call it a night. Other than Paulo's call this lunchtime (which really made me joyful), this day just wore me out with too much thinking. I got busy doing nothing. Shoot me. Hahahaha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't having a routine stagnant? Sorry just nitpicking.

We ought to go out together. Just not this weekend. lol

Btw please update your link hahahaha