Anyway I'm still not clear as to why this had to happen. Of course most of you know that I do not consider myself a devout Roman Catholic anymore. I want to be called a Christian instead, since that is all that matters. Maybe God allowed me to go to these meetings because he wanted me to highlight the importance of salvation as an individual objective, not a membership guarantee. I'm still not clear about it, but I have faith that it means something for me to join my cousins in digging deeper into our relationship with God.

I know it's out of my character to say this, but having seen how my cousins' family talks before bedtime...well, I want that too. :) For the first night I did not join them, but on the second night I sat up with all of them and told them a very hilarious embarrassing experience I had last year...a secret which only three people knew about. They were all laughing in tears, especially my uncle who likes these kinds of stories. Hahahaha. It was a fine closure for me as well, since it's an experience which I think I haven't really laughed about and accepted until this storytelling moment. Maybe one day I can even post it here when I'm ready to share this blessing of laughter with my friends.
I watched two movies during Monday night- Sailor Moon and The Myth. Sailor Moon was predictably a cliche, duh...halfway through the movie I was already thinking, "Why am I watching this?" But then it's good for the bonding moment- with chips and green mango dipped in sugar, so it's not so bad. The Myth is something different...and definitely more complex. I had been wanting to watch it, and I had my chance then. The two ladies in the movie are just beautiful. The whole story wasn't so clear to me, so I had to do my own research of the plot the following day.
Despite all the joys of Sunday, I felt a deep sadness erupt within me with the realization that my father never really replied to any of my text messages...he called me a source of his headache two days prior to this. He disappoints me over and over. I wish I'd stop being so gullible and just never hope for anything from him again...but I cannot help but somehow believe in the things that he says he wants to do...that he loves me even though I am useless to the family. Lies...lies...ah, and it was good that I was able to tell my uncle about this...he reminded me of the more important things...
And then again, I realize just now that I have so much things to tell...to record here. But I have to divide them according to date.
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