sanguine melancholy

Peach's personality is Sanguine Melancholy

33% Melancholic
8% Phlegmatic
35% Sanguine

25% Choleric

When I was in my first year college, my Psych professor discussed these personalities. I shared that I got this result during high school at rhgp. My prof was right when he pointed out that I had two opposing personalities, because being sanguine means being an extrovert, talker, and an optimist. Being melancholic (just 2 pts behind, take note) means being an introvert, thinker, and a pessimist.

Now I realize I haven't changed much. Hmm...

I guess I still have that chameleon complex, I know, showing this side to your trusted people, and the other side's just for show to the world...ewan ko ba...but having read the details of each persona, I think I'm a bit of all, but these two still rule...

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